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I previously gave talk on a general overview of DevOps https://paddyroddy.github.io/talks/devops-an-introduction
While CI/CD are crucial components of DevOps, CI/CD alone isn’t DevOps. True DevOps requires a broader cultural and operational shift.
GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline. You can create workflows that build and test every pull request to your repository, or deploy merged pull requests to production.
Workflows are defined in YAML files in the .github/workflows
directory of your repository. Here’s a basic structure:
Reusable workflows | Composite actions |
A YAML file, very similar to any standard workflow file | An action containing a bundle of workflow steps |
Each reusable workflow is a single file in the .github/workflows directory of a repository |
Each composite action is a separate repository, or a directory, containing an action.yml file and, optionally, other files |
Reusable workflows | Composite actions |
Called by referencing a specific YAML file | Called by referencing a repository or directory in which the action is defined |
Called directly within a job, not from a step | Run as a step within a job |
Can contain multiple jobs | Does not contain jobs |
Reusable workflows | Composite actions |
Each step is logged in real-time | Logged as one step even if it contains multiple steps |
Can connect a maximum of four levels of workflows | Can be nested to have up to 10 composite actions in one workflow |
Can use secrets | Cannot use secrets |
https://www.menti.com: 5135 9261
CI/CD: Faster, Easier Development - https://paddyroddy.github.io/talks